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How To Make A Big Impression On Sponsors

When you build your resume with, you must know that your resume will be one potentially hundreds of resumes seen by the sponsors. You must make sure that yours stands out and that you are unique. The companies must have a compellig reason to consider you over many other riders who may be just as qualified as you are. The following points are ones to remember when finalizing your profile.

1.) Make sure your personal background talks about who you really are and not simply about how good of a rider you are or have finished. Talk about whether you are outgoing or shy. Talk about your educational background and what profession you currently are in or want to go into.

2.) Your Cover Letter: When you first make your template cover letter, you want to make it as specific as you can regarding why you would be a great rider to sponsor. Companies look for riders who do more than just put stickers on fenders. Talk about how you will promote the sponsor on and OFF the track. Talk about which areas and regions you ride in and how you will talk about your sponsors everywhere you go. It is also very important to talk about why you want to get sponsored by that particular company. How long have you used their products? How do their products make you a better rider? These are things to note when writing your cover letter. Remember with our system, you will be able to customize the company name and general contents right before you send it out.

3.) Uploading Images: One of the best things to do is to take a good headshot of yourself and put it on your profile. Make sure your helmet is off and the companies can see what you really look like. It is better to take a digital photograph from a nice camera than simply taking a snapshot from a webcam. It also helps to take the picture vertically (rather than horizontally) so it fits perfectly in your online profile. Try and provide good quality images of yourself for your headshot.

When uploading action photos of yourself, make sure that they are good ones. We have seen some profile images of riders who are crashing and it doesn't make a good impression on companies knowing that you crash a lot. Take ones with you and your bike (and or family) along with some shots of you in corners, off jumps, passing people, and at the finish line. These photos are well worth the effort and or money as they will be an effective persuasive tool for companies to see you in action.

Well, thats all for this installment of our tips on improving your profile. Please email us if you want us to address any particular issue. If you have a story that you have written, then please send it to us and we will post it.

Ride Hard and see you at the track!